Well, that's the problems I've been having and mentioning.
Helena Bonham Carter is nice and seems like a public figure. I mean, she does something but then she's agreeable when people actually get up and do something, you know? Isn't that a bit schizophrenic? Maybe, she didn't want kids, I dunno, not a nice thing to say, but something @ her kids seems to be difficult. Haha, I said didn't want not shouldn't have had them. What's wrong with Billy. He's a dork. I am only concerned. I've made other people dorks in my mind's eye, people I greatly admire. You just need to stop snapping at every problem I have. I mean, I also don't feel I'm always here to explain every which way something makes sense when I can't do that all the time but hopefully my posts will become more interesting.
Do you - understand - the words - that are coming outta my mouth.