I remember my dream, again, I was back in the choir loft of Slidell.. Before, some people were going home on spacecrafts. So, my teacher put her hand on the top link of my arm, I was next to Charlotte Church and my friend.
Then, I remember like not being able to do anything else.. like I was being carried into the church pews, the priest going around giving people turns to do things, almost got to me but still immobile. Some noises ended up making me get up..
I guess it was interesting, if you think of "what happened" as a tool.. a tool to make a dream. I was sprawling on my bed and got up but mayb e want to lik down atgain. xp The church thing seemed like a party.
I guess I should try to make a slush today, even if I just put water in it? I had these 2 little chicken pot pies and a lean cuisine of Sesame chicken and noodles. I can cook the tohe